
a Veteran US. Army Drill SGT.

Buglers for Veterans was founded by me in 2020.

During my deployment in 1968… I played Taps at my Military Installation. In recognition of the service the Veterans have given to our country I felt that they all deserved a live Bugler sounding for them the most poignant 24 notes ever played. Buglers’ calls are ingrained in our minds as a special event for deceased Military Veterans. A shortage of available military buglers has inspired me to donate my time in giving back to our fallen brothers and sisters by playing taps as a tribute to their sacrifice and service.


On June 6, 1944. D-Day, Allied Troops landed on the Coast of Normandy, France. It was the start of the campaign to liberate Europe and defeat Germany. The Battle of Normandy was a hard fought campaign.

Ron had the distinct privilege of performing taps at Normandy during the 80th anniversary in 2024 of the Allies storming Omaha Beach, risking their lives to protect our freedom.

History of

“Taps” was originally used to signal “lights out “for military personnel, originated from the French, was written in 1809 and was composed by General Daniel Butterfield. He then got his brigade bugler, a 22 year old soldier, to revise the earlier bugle call into those 24 notes that we know today as “Taps.” Taps are played at military funerals to honor our fallen brothers and sisters and at military memorial services. 

To request for me to play taps for your loved ones Military Funeral Service, or a Military Memorial service in Maine, New Hampshire, or Southern Florida please email Ron at